
时间: 2009-05-21


50 CFR 648

Fisheries of the Northeastern United States


Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries



TEXT PDF 648.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF 648.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF 648.3 Relation to other laws.
TEXT PDF 648.4 Vessel permits.
TEXT PDF 648.5 Operator permits.
TEXT PDF 648.6 Dealer/processor permits.
TEXT PDF 648.7 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF 648.8 Vessel identification.
TEXT PDF 648.9 VMS requirements.
TEXT PDF 648.10 DAS and VMS notification requirements.
TEXT PDF 648.10 DAS and VMS notification requirements.
TEXT PDF 648.11 At-sea sea sampler/observer coverage.
TEXT PDF 648.12 Experimental fishing.
TEXT PDF 648.13 Transfers at sea.
TEXT PDF 648.14 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF 648.15 Facilitation of enforcement.
TEXT PDF 648.16 Penalties.
TEXT PDF 648.17 Exemptions for vessels fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area.
TEXT PDF 648.18 Standardized bycatch reporting methodology.
TEXT PDF 648.20 Maximum optimum yield (OYs).
TEXT PDF 648.21 Procedures for determining initial annual amounts.
TEXT PDF 648.22 Closure of the fishery.
TEXT PDF 648.23 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.24 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF 648.25 Possession restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.40 Prohibition on possession.
TEXT PDF 648.41 Framework specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.50 Shell-height standard.
TEXT PDF 648.51 Gear and crew restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.52 Possession and landing limits.
TEXT PDF 648.53 Total allowable catch, DAS allocations, and Individual Fishing Quotas.
TEXT PDF 648.54 State waters exemption.
TEXT PDF 648.55 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF 648.56 Scallop research.
TEXT PDF 648.57 Sea scallop area rotation program.
TEXT PDF 648.58 Rotational Closed Areas.
TEXT PDF 648.59 Sea Scallop Access Areas.
TEXT PDF 648.60 Sea scallop area access program requirements.
TEXT PDF 648.61 EFH closed areas.
TEXT PDF 648.62 Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM) scallop management area.
TEXT PDF 648.63 General category Sectors and harvesting cooperatives.
TEXT PDF 648.70 Annual individual allocations.
TEXT PDF 648.71 Catch quotas.
TEXT PDF 648.72 Minimum surf clam size.
TEXT PDF 648.73 Closed areas.
TEXT PDF 648.74 Shucking at sea.
TEXT PDF 648.75 Cage identification.
TEXT PDF 648.76 Maine mahogany quahog zone.
TEXT PDF 648.77 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF 648.80 NE Multispecies regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods of fishing.
TEXT PDF 648.81 NE multispecies closed areas and measures to protect EFH.
TEXT PDF 648.82 Effort-control program for NE multispecies limited access vessels.
TEXT PDF 648.83 Multispecies minimum fish sizes.
TEXT PDF 648.84 Gear-marking requirements and gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.85 Special management programs.
TEXT PDF 648.86 NE Multispecies possession restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.87 Sector allocation.
TEXT PDF 648.88 Multispecies open access permit restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.89 Recreational and charter/party vessel restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.90 NE multispecies assessment, framework procedures and specifications, and flexible area action system.
TEXT PDF 648.91 Monkfish regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods of fishing.
TEXT PDF 648.92 Effort-control program for monkfish limited access vessels.
TEXT PDF 648.93 Monkfish minimum fish sizes.
TEXT PDF 648.94 Monkfish possession and landing restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.95 Offshore Fishery Program in the SFMA.
TEXT PDF 648.96 Monkfish annual adjustment process and framework specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.96 Monkfish annual adjustment process and framework specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.97 Closed areas.
TEXT PDF 648.100 Catch quotas and other restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.101 Closures.
TEXT PDF 648.102 Time restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.103 Minimum fish sizes.
TEXT PDF 648.104 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.105 Possession restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.106 Sea Turtle conservation.
TEXT PDF 648.107 Conservation equivalent measures for the summer flounder fishery.
TEXT PDF 648.108 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF 648.120 Catch quotas and other restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.121 Closures.
TEXT PDF 648.122 Season and area restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.123 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.124 Minimum fish sizes.
TEXT PDF 648.125 Possession limit.
TEXT PDF 648.126 Protection of threatened and endangered sea turtles.
TEXT PDF 648.127 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF 648.140 Catch quotas and other restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.141 Closure.
TEXT PDF 648.142 Time restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.143 Minimum sizes.
TEXT PDF 648.144 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.145 Possession limit.
TEXT PDF 648.146 Special management zones.
TEXT PDF 648.147 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF 648.160 Catch quotas and other restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.161 Closures.
TEXT PDF 648.162 Minimum fish sizes.
TEXT PDF 648.163 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.164 Possession restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.165 Framework specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.200 Specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.201 Closures and TAC controls.
TEXT PDF 648.202 Season and area restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.203 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.204 Possession restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.205 VMS requirements.
TEXT PDF 648.206 Framework provisions.
TEXT PDF 648.207 Herring Research Set-Aside (RSA).
TEXT PDF 648.230 Catch quotas and other restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.231 Closures.
TEXT PDF 648.235 Possession and landing restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.237 Framework provisions.
TEXT PDF 648.260 Specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.261 Framework adjustment process.
TEXT PDF 648.262 Effort-control program for red crab limited access vessels.
TEXT PDF 648.263 Red crab possession and landing restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.264 Gear requirements/restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.290 Catch quotas and other restrictions.
TEXT PDF 648.291 Closures.
TEXT PDF 648.292 Tilefish trip limits.
TEXT PDF 648.293 Framework specifications.
TEXT PDF 648.320 Skate FMP review and monitoring.
TEXT PDF 648.321 Framework adjustment process.
TEXT PDF 648.322 Skate possession and landing restrictions.
