Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries
660.1 |
Purpose and scope. |
660.2 |
Relation to other laws. |
660.3 |
Reporting and recordkeeping. |
660.301 |
Purpose and scope. |
660.302 |
Definitions. |
660.303 |
Reporting and recordkeeping. |
660.305 |
Vessel identification. |
660.306 |
Prohibitions. |
660.312 |
Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) requirements. |
660.314 |
Groundfish observer program. |
660.320 |
Allocations. |
660.321 |
Black rockfish harvest guideline. |
660.322 |
Sablefish allocations. |
660.323 |
Pacific whiting allocations, allocation attainment, and inseason allocation reapportionment. |
660.324 |
Pacific Coast treaty Indian fisheries. |
660.331 |
Limited entry and open access fisheries--general. |
660.333 |
Limited entry fishery-eligibility and registration. |
660.334 |
Limited entry permits-endorsements. |
660.335 |
Limited entry permits--renewal, combination, stacking, change of permit ownership or permit holdership, and transfer. |
660.338 |
Limited entry permits-small fleet. |
660.339 |
Limited entry permit fees. |
660.340 |
Limited entry permit appeals. |
660.341 |
Limited entry permit sanctions. |
660.350 |
Compensation with fish for collecting resource information--exempted fishing permits off Washington, Oregon, and California. |
660.365 |
Overfished species rebuilding plans. |
660.370 |
Specifications and management measures. |
660.371 |
Black rockfish fishery management. |
660.372 |
Fixed gear sablefish fishery management. |
660.373 |
Pacific whiting (whiting) fishery management. |
660.380 |
Groundfish harvest specifications. |
660.381 |
Limited entry trawl fishery management measures. |
660.382 |
Limited entry fixed gear fishery management measures. |
660.383 |
Open access fishery management measures. |
660.384 |
Recreational fishery management measures. |
660.385 |
Washington coastal tribal fisheries management measures. |
660.390 |
Groundfish conservation areas. |
660.391 |
Latitude/longitude coordinates defining the 10-fm (18-m) through 40-fm (73-m) depth contours. |
660.392 |
Latitude/longitude coordinates defining the 50 fm (91 m) through 75 fm (137 m) depth contours. |
660.393 |
Latitude/longitude coordinates defining the 100 fm (183 m) through 150 fm (274 m) depth contours. |
660.394 |
Latitude/longitude coordinates defining the 180 fm (329 m) through 250 fm (457 m) depth contours. |
660.395 |
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) |
660.396 |
EFH Conservation Areas. |
660.397 |
EFH Conservation Areas off the Coast of Washington. |
660.398 |
EFH Conservation Areas off the Coast of Oregon. |
660.399 |
EFH Conservation Areas off the Coast of California. |
660.401 |
Purpose and scope. |
660.402 |
Definitions. |
660.403 |
Relation to other laws. |
660.404 |
Recordkeeping and reporting. |
660.405 |
Prohibitions. |
660.406 |
Exempted fishing. |
660.407 |
Treaty Indian fishing. |
660.408 |
Annual actions. |
660.409 |
Inseason actions. |
660.410 |
Conservation objectives. |
660.411 |
Notification and publication procedures. |
660.501 |
Purpose and scope. |
660.502 |
Definitions. |
660.503 |
Management subareas. |
660.504 |
Vessel identification. |
660.505 |
Prohibitions. |
660.506 |
Gear restrictions. |
660.507 |
Closed areas to reduction fishing. |
660.508 |
Annual specifications. |
660.509 |
Closure of directed fishery. |
660.510 |
Fishing seasons. |
660.511 |
Catch restrictions. |
660.512 |
Limited entry fishery. |
660.513 |
Permit conditions. |
660.514 |
Transferability. |
660.515 |
Renewal of limited entry permits. |
660.516 |
Exempted fishing. |
660.517 |
Framework for revising regulations. |
660.518 |
Pacific Coast Treaty Indian Rights. |
660.519 |
Scientific observers. |
660.520 |
Reporting requirements. |
660.701 |
Purpose and scope. |
660.702 |
Definitions. |
660.703 |
Management area. |
660.704 |
Vessel identification. |
660.705 |
Prohibitions. |
660.706 |
Pacific Coast Treaty Indian rights. |
660.707 |
Permits. |
660.708 |
Reporting and recordkeeping. |
660.709 |
Annual specifications. |
660.710 |
Closure of directed fishery. |
660.711 |
General catch restrictions. |
660.712 |
Longline fishery. |
660.713 |
Drift gillnet fishery. |
660.717 |
Framework for revising regulations. |
660.718 |
Exempted fishing. |
660.719 |
Scientific observers. |
660.720 |
Interim protection for sea turtles. |
660.721 |
Recreational fishing bag limits. |