Title 49--Transportation
512.1 |
Purpose and scope. |
512.2 |
Applicability. |
512.3 |
Definitions. |
512.4 |
When requesting confidentiality, what should I submit? |
512.5 |
How many copies should I submit? |
512.6 |
How should I prepare documents when submitting a claim for confidentiality? |
512.7 |
Where should I send the information for which I am requesting confidentiality? |
512.8 |
What supporting information should I submit with my request? |
512.9 |
What are the requirements if the information comes from a third party? |
512.10 |
Duty to amend. |
512.11 |
What if I need an extension of time? |
512.12 |
What if I am submitting multiple items of information? |
512.13 |
What are the consequences for noncompliance with this part? |
512.14 |
Who makes the confidentiality determination? |
512.15 |
How will confidentiality determinations be made? |
512.16 |
Class determinations. |
512.17 |
How long should it take to determine whether information is entitled to confidential treatment? |
512.18 |
How will I be notified of the confidentiality determination? |
512.19 |
What can I do if I disagree with the determination? |
512.20 |
How does the agency treat information submitted pursuant to this part before a confidentiality determination is made? |
512.21 |
How is information submitted pursuant to this part treated once a confidentiality determination is made? |
512.22 |
Under what circumstances may NHTSA modify a grant of confidentiality? |
512.23 |
Under what circumstances may NHTSA publicly release confidential information? |
Appendix A |
Appendix A to Part 512--Certificate in Support of Request for Confidentiality |
Appendix B |
Appendix B to Part 512--General Class Determinations |
Appendix C |
Appendix C to Part 512--Early Warning Reporting Class Determinations |
Appendix D |
Appendix D to Part 512--Vehicle Identification Number Information |
Appendix E |
Appendix E to Part 512--OMB Clearance |