Title 40--Protection of Environment
61.01 |
Lists of pollutants and applicability of part 61. |
61.02 |
Definitions. |
61.03 |
Units and abbreviations. |
61.04 |
Address. |
61.05 |
Prohibited activities. |
61.06 |
Determination of construction or modification. |
61.07 |
Application for approval of construction or modification. |
61.08 |
Approval of construction or modification. |
61.09 |
Notification of startup. |
61.10 |
Source reporting and waiver request. |
61.11 |
Waiver of compliance. |
61.12 |
Compliance with standards and maintenance requirements. |
61.13 |
Emission tests and waiver of emission tests. |
61.14 |
Monitoring requirements. |
61.15 |
Modification. |
61.16 |
Availability of information. |
61.17 |
State authority. |
61.18 |
Incorporations by reference. |
61.19 |
Circumvention. |
61.20 |
Designation of facilities. |
61.21 |
Definitions. |
61.22 |
Standard. |
61.23 |
Determining compliance. |
61.24 |
Annual reporting requirements. |
61.25 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.26 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.30 |
Applicability. |
61.31 |
Definitions. |
61.32 |
Emission standard. |
61.33 |
Stack sampling. |
61.34 |
Air sampling. |
61.40 |
Applicability. |
61.41 |
Definitions. |
61.42 |
Emission standard. |
61.43 |
Emission testing--rocket firing or propellant disposal. |
61.44 |
Stack sampling. |
61.50 |
Applicability. |
61.51 |
Definitions. |
61.52 |
Emission standard. |
61.53 |
Stack sampling. |
61.54 |
Sludge sampling. |
61.55 |
Monitoring of emissions and operations. |
61.56 |
Delegation of authority. |
61.60 |
Applicability. |
61.61 |
Definitions. |
61.62 |
Emission standard for ethylene dichloride plants. |
61.63 |
Emission standard for vinyl chloride plants. |
61.64 |
Emission standard for polyvinyl chloride plants. |
61.65 |
Emission standard for ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride plants. |
61.66 |
Equivalent equipment and procedures. |
61.67 |
Emission tests. |
61.68 |
Emission monitoring. |
61.69 |
Initial report. |
61.70 |
Reporting. |
61.71 |
Recordkeeping. |
61.90 |
Designation of facilities. |
61.91 |
Definitions. |
61.92 |
Standard. |
61.93 |
Emission monitoring and test procedures. |
61.94 |
Compliance and reporting. |
61.95 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.96 |
Applications to construct or modify. |
61.97 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.100 |
Applicability. |
61.101 |
Definitions. |
61.102 |
Standard. |
61.103 |
Determining compliance. |
61.104 |
Reporting requirements. |
61.105 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.106 |
Applications to construct or modify. |
61.107 |
Emission determination. |
61.108 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.110 |
Applicability and designation of sources. |
61.111 |
Definitions. |
61.112 |
Standards. |
61.120 |
Applicability. |
61.121 |
Definitions. |
61.122 |
Emission standard. |
61.123 |
Emission testing. |
61.124 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.125 |
Test methods and procedures. |
61.126 |
Monitoring of operations. |
61.127 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.130 |
Applicability, designation of sources, and delegation of authority. |
61.131 |
Definitions. |
61.132 |
Standard: Process vessels, storage tanks, and tar-intercepting sumps. |
61.133 |
Standard: Light-oil sumps. |
61.134 |
Standard: Naphthalene processing, final coolers, and final-cooler cooling towers. |
61.135 |
Standard: Equipment leaks. |
61.136 |
Compliance provisions and alternative means of emission limitation. |
61.137 |
Test methods and procedures. |
61.138 |
Recordkeeping and reporting requirements. |
61.139 |
Provisions for alternative means for process vessels, storage tanks, and tar-intercepting sumps. |
61.140 |
Applicability. |
61.141 |
Definitions. |
61.142 |
Standard for asbestosmills. |
61.143 |
Standard for roadways. |
61.144 |
Standard for manufacturing. |
61.145 |
Standard for demolition and renovation. |
61.146 |
Standard for spraying. |
61.147 |
Standard for fabricating. |
61.148 |
Standard for insulating materials. |
61.149 |
Standard for waste disposal for asbestos mills. |
61.150 |
Standard for waste disposal for manufacturing, fabricating, demolition, renovation, and spraying operations. |
61.151 |
Standard for inactive waste disposal sites for asbestos mills and manufacturing and fabricating operations. |
61.152 |
Air-cleaning. |
61.153 |
Reporting. |
61.154 |
Standard for active waste disposal sites. |
61.155 |
Standard for operations that convert asbestos-containing waste material into nonasbestos (asbestos-free) material. |
61.156 |
Cross-reference to other asbestos regulations. |
61.157 |
Delegation of authority. |
Appendix A |
Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 61--Interpretive Rule Governing Roof Removal Operations. |
61.160 |
Applicability and designation of source. |
61.161 |
Definitions. |
61.162 |
Emission limits. |
61.163 |
Emission monitoring. |
61.164 |
Test methods and procedures. |
61.165 |
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. |
61.170 |
Applicability and designation of source. |
61.171 |
Definitions. |
61.172 |
Standard for new and existing sources. |
61.173 |
Compliance provisions. |
61.174 |
Test methods and procedures. |
61.175 |
Monitoring requirements. |
61.176 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.177 |
Reporting requirements. |
61.180 |
Applicability and designation of sources. |
61.181 |
Definitions. |
61.182 |
Standard for new and existing sources. |
61.183 |
Emission monitoring. |
61.184 |
Ambient air monitoring for inorganic arsenic. |
61.185 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.186 |
Reporting requirements. |
61.190 |
Designation of facilities. |
61.191 |
Definitions. |
61.192 |
Standard. |
61.193 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.200 |
Designation of facilities. |
61.201 |
Definitions. |
61.202 |
Standard. |
61.203 |
Radon monitoring and compliance procedures. |
61.204 |
Distribution and use of phosphogypsum for outdoor agricultural purposes. |
61.205 |
Distribution and use of phosphogypsum for indoor research and development. |
61.206 |
Distribution and use of phosphogypsum for other purposes. |
61.207 |
Radium-226 sampling and measurement procedures. |
61.208 |
Certification requirements. |
61.209 |
Required records. |
61.210 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.220 |
Designation of facilities. |
61.221 |
Definitions. |
61.222 |
Standard. |
61.223 |
Compliance procedures. |
61.224 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.225 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.226 |
Reconsideration of rescission and reinstatement of this subpart. |
61.240 |
Applicability and designation of sources. |
61.241 |
Definitions. |
61.242-1 |
Standards: General. |
61.242-2 |
Standards: Pumps. |
61.242-3 |
Standards: Compressors. |
61.242-4 |
Standards: Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service. |
61.242-5 |
Standards: Sampling connecting systems. |
61.242-6 |
Standards: Open-ended valves or lines. |
61.242-7 |
Standards: Valves. |
61.242-8 |
Standards: Pressure relief services in liquid service and connectors. |
61.242-9 |
Standards: Surge control vessels and bottoms receivers. |
61.242-10 |
Standards: Delay of repair. |
61.242-11 |
Standards: Closed-vent systems and control devices. |
61.243-1 |
Alternative standards for valves in VHAP service--allowable percentage of valves leaking. |
61.243-2 |
Alternative standards for valves in VHAP service--skip period leak detection and repair. |
61.244 |
Alternative means of emission limitation. |
61.245 |
Test methods and procedures. |
61.246 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.247 |
Reporting requirements. |
Table 1 |
Table 1 to Subpart V of Part 61--Surge Control Vessels and Bottoms Receivers at Existing Sources. |
Table 2 |
Table 2 to Subpart V of Part 61--Surge Control Vessels and Bottoms Receivers at New Sources. |
61.250 |
Designation of facilities. |
61.251 |
Definitions. |
61.252 |
Standard. |
61.253 |
Determining compliance. |
61.254 |
Annual reporting requirements. |
61.255 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.256 |
Exemption from the reporting and testing requirements of 40 CFR 61.10. |
61.270 |
Applicability and designation of sources. |
61.271 |
Emission standard. |
61.272 |
Compliance provisions. |
61.273 |
Alternative means of emission limitation. |
61.274 |
Initial report. |
61.275 |
Periodic report. |
61.276 |
Recordkeeping. |
61.277 |
Delegation of authority. |
61.300 |
Applicability. |
61.301 |
Definitions. |
61.302 |
Standards. |
61.303 |
Monitoring requirements. |
61.304 |
Test methods and procedures. |
61.305 |
Reporting and recordkeeping. |
61.306 |
Delegation of authority. |
61.340 |
Applicability. |
61.341 |
Definitions. |
61.342 |
Standards: General. |
61.343 |
Standards: Tanks. |
61.344 |
Standards: Surface impoundments. |
61.345 |
Standards: Containers. |
61.346 |
Standards: Individual drain systems. |
61.347 |
Standards: Oil-water separators. |
61.348 |
Standards: Treatment processes. |
61.349 |
Standards: Closed-ventsystems and control devices. |
61.350 |
Standards: Delay of repair. |
61.351 |
Alternative standards for tanks. |
61.352 |
Alternative standards for oil-water separators. |
61.353 |
Alternative means of emission limitation. |
61.354 |
Monitoring of operations. |
61.355 |
Test methods, procedures, and compliance provisions. |
61.356 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
61.357 |
Reporting requirements. |
61.358 |
Delegation of authority. |
Appendix A |
Appendix A to Part 61--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Compliance Status Information. |
Appendix A |
Appendix A to Part 61--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Compliance Status Information. |
Appendix B |
Appendix B to Part 61--Test Methods. |
Appendix C |
Appendix C to Part 61--Quality Assurance Procedures. |
Appendix D |
Appendix D to Part 61--Methods for Estimating Radionuclide Emissions. |
Appendix E |
Appendix E to Part 61--Compliance Procedures Methods for Determining Compliance With Subpart I. |