Title 43--Public Lands: Interior
6301.1 |
Purpose. |
6301.3 |
What is a BLM wilderness area? |
6301.5 |
Definitions. |
6302.10 |
Use of wilderness areas. |
6302.11 |
How may I use wilderness areas? |
6302.12 |
When do I need an authorization and to pay a fee to use a wilderness area? |
6302.13 |
Where do I obtain an authorization to use a wilderness area? |
6302.14 |
What authorization do I need to climb in BLM wilderness? |
6302.15 |
When and how may I collect or disturb natural resources such as rocks and plants in wilderness areas? |
6302.16 |
When and how may I gather scientific information about resources in BLM wilderness? |
6302.17 |
When may I use a wheelchair in BLM wilderness? |
6302.18 |
How may American Indians use wilderness areas for traditional religious purposes? |
6302.19 |
When may BLM close or restrict use of wilderness areas? |
6302.20 |
What is prohibited in wilderness? |
6302.30 |
What penalties apply if I commit one or more of the prohibited acts? |
6303.1 |
How does BLM carry out administrative and emergency functions? |
6304.10 |
Mining law administration. |
6304.11 |
What special provisions apply to operations under the mining laws? |
6304.12 |
How will BLM determine the validity of unpatented mining claims or sites? |
6304.20 |
Other uses addressed in special provisions of the Wilderness Act. |
6304.21 |
What special provisions cover aircraft and motorboat use? |
6304.22 |
What special provisions apply to control of fire, insects, and diseases? |
6304.23 |
What special provisions apply to mineral leasing and material sales? |
6304.24 |
What special provisions apply to water and power resources? |
6304.25 |
What special provisions apply to livestock grazing? |
6305.10 |
How will BLM allow access to State and private land within wilderness areas? |
6305.11 |
What alternatives to granting access will BLM consider in cases of State and private inholdings? |
6305.20 |
How will BLM allow access to valid mining claims or other valid occupancies within wilderness areas? |
6305.30 |
What are the steps BLM must take in issuing an access authorization to valid occupancies? |