Title 43--Public Lands: Interior
1821.10 |
Where are BLM offices located? |
1821.11 |
During what hours may I file an application? |
1821.12 |
Are these the only regulations that will apply to my application or other required document? |
1821.13 |
What if the specific program regulations conflict with these regulations? |
1822.10 |
How should my name appear on applications and other required documents that I submit to BLM? |
1822.11 |
What must I do to make an official filing with BLM? |
1822.12 |
Where do I file my application or other required documents? |
1822.13 |
May I file electronically? |
1822.14 |
What if I try to file a required document on the last day of the stated period for filing, but the BLM office where it is to be filed is officially closed all day? |
1822.15 |
If I miss filing a required document or payment within the specified period, can BLM consider it timely filed anyway? |
1822.16 |
Where do I file an application that involves lands under the jurisdiction of more than one BLM State Office? |
1822.17 |
When are documents considered filed simultaneously? |
1822.18 |
How does BLM decide in which order to accept documents that are simultaneously filed? |
1823.10 |
How may I make my payments to BLM? |
1823.11 |
What is the authority for BLM issuing a refund of a payment? |
1823.12 |
When and how may I obtain a refund? |
1823.13 |
Is additional documentation needed when a third party requests a refund? |
1824.10 |
What is publication? |
1824.11 |
How does BLM choose a newspaper in which to publish a notice? |
1824.12 |
How many times must BLM publish a notice? |
1824.13 |
Who pays for publication? |
1824.14 |
Does the claimant or applicant pay for an error by the printer of the paper in which the notice appears? |
1824.15 |
What does it mean to post a notice? |
1824.16 |
Why must I post a notice? |
1824.17 |
If I must post a notice on the land, what are the requirements? |
1825.10 |
If I relinquish my interest (such as a claim or lease) in public lands, am I relieved of all further responsibility associated with that interest? |
1825.11 |
When are relinquishments effective? |
1825.12 |
When does relinquished land become available again for other application or appropriation? |