Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management
102-118.5 |
What is the purpose of this part? |
102-118.10 |
What is a transportation audit? |
102-118.15 |
What is a transportation payment? |
102-118.20 |
Who is subject to this part? |
102-118.25 |
Does GSA still require my agency to submit its overall transportation policies for approval? |
102-118.30 |
Are Government corporations bound by this part? |
102-118.35 |
What definitions apply to this part? |
102-118.40 |
How does my agency order transportation and transportation services? |
102-118.45 |
How does a transportation service provider (TSP) bill my agency for transportation and transportation services? |
102-118.50 |
How does my agency pay for transportation services? |
102-118.55 |
What administrative procedures must my agency establish for payment of freight, household goods, or other transportation services? |
102-118.60 |
To what extent must my agency use electronic commerce? |
102-118.65 |
Can my agency receive electronic billing for payment of transportation services? |
102-118.70 |
Must my agency make all payments via electronic funds transfer? |
102-118.75 |
What if my agency or the TSP does not have an account with a financial institution or approved payment agent? |
102-118.80 |
Who is responsible for keeping my agency's electronic commerce transportation billing records? |
102-118.85 |
Can my agency use a Government contractor issued charge card to pay for transportation services? |
102-118.90 |
If my agency orders transportation and/or transportation services with a Government contractor issued charge card or charge account citation, is this subject to prepayment audit? |
102-118.91 |
May my agency authorize the use of cash? |
102-118.92 |
How does my agency handle receipts, tickets or other records of cash payments? |
102-118.95 |
What forms can my agency use to pay transportation bills? |
102-118.100 |
What must my agency ensure is on each SF 1113? |
102-118.105 |
Where can I find the rules governing the use of a Government Bill of Lading? |
102-118.110 |
Where can I find the rules governing the use of a Government Transportation Request? |
102-118.115 |
Must my agency use a GBL? |
102-118.120 |
Must my agency use a GTR? |
102-118.125 |
What if my agency uses a TD other than a GBL? |
102-118.130 |
Must my agency use a GBL for express, courier, or small package shipments? |
102-118.135 |
Where are the mandatory terms and conditions governing the use of bills of lading? |
102-118.140 |
What are the major mandatory terms and conditions governing the use of GBLs and bills of lading? |
102-118.145 |
Where are the mandatory terms and conditions governing the use of passenger transportation documents? |
102-118.150 |
What are the major mandatory terms and conditions governing the use of passenger transportation documents? |
102-118.155 |
How does my agency handle supplemental billings from the TSP after payment of the original bill? |
102-118.160 |
Who is liable if my agency makes an overpayment on a transportation bill? |
102-118.165 |
What must my agency do if it finds an error on a TSP bill? |
102-118.170 |
Will GSA continue to maintain a centralized numbering system for Government transportation documents? |
102-118.175 |
Must my agency prepare for GBL retirement? |
102-118.180 |
Must my agency prepare for the GTR retirement? |
102-118.185 |
When buying freight transportation, must my agency reference the applicable contract or tender on the bill of lading (including a GBL)? |
102-118.190 |
When buying passenger transportation must my agency reference the applicable contract? |
102-118.195 |
What documents must a transportation service provider (TSP) send to receive payment for a transportation billing? |
102-118.200 |
Can a TSP demand advance payment for the transportation charges submitted on a bill of lading (including GBL)? |
102-118.205 |
May my agency pay a subcontractor or agent functioning as a warehouseman for the TSP providing service under the bill of lading? |
102-118.210 |
May my agency use bills of lading other than the GBL for a transportation shipment? |
102-118.215 |
May my agency pay a TSP any extra fees to pay for the preparation and use of the GBL or GTR? |
102-118.220 |
If a transportation debt is owed to my agency by a TSP because of loss or damage to property, does my agency report it to GSA? |
102-118.225 |
What constitutes final receipt of shipment? |
102-118.230 |
What if my agency creates or eliminates a field office approved to prepare transportation documents? |
102-118.235 |
Must my agency keep physical control and accountability of the GBL and GTR forms or GBL and GTR numbers? |
102-118.240 |
How does my agency get GBL and GTR forms? |
102-118.245 |
How does my agency get an assigned set of GBL or GTR numbers? |
102-118.250 |
Who is accountable for the issuance and use of GBL and GTR forms? |
102-118.255 |
Are GBL and GTR forms numbered and used sequentially? |
102-118.260 |
Must my agency send all quotations, tenders, or contracts with a TSP to GSA? |
102-118.265 |
What is a prepayment audit? |
102-118.270 |
Must my agency establish a prepayment audit program? |
102-118.275 |
What must my agency consider when designing and implementing a prepayment audit program? |
102-118.280 |
What advantages does the prepayment audit offer my agency? |
102-118.285 |
What options for performing a prepayment audit does my agency have? |
102-118.290 |
Must every electronic and paper transportation bill undergo a prepayment audit? |
102-118.295 |
What are the limited exceptions to every bill undergoing a prepayment audit? |
102-118.300 |
How does my agency fund its prepayment audit program? |
102-118.305 |
Must my agency notify the TSP of any adjustment to the TSP's bill? |
102-118.310 |
Must my agency prepayment audit program establish appeal procedures whereby a TSP may appeal any reduction in the amount billed? |
102-118.315 |
What must my agency do if the TSP disputes the findings and my agency cannot resolve the dispute? |
102-118.320 |
What information must be on transportation bills that have completed my agency's prepayment audit? |
102-118.325 |
Must I get approval for my agency's prepayment audit program? |
102-118.330 |
What are the elements of an acceptable prepayment audit program? |
102-118.335 |
What does the GSA Audit Division consider when verifying an agency prepayment audit program? |
102-118.340 |
How does my agency contact the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.345 |
If my agency chooses to change an approved prepayment audit program, does the program need to be reapproved? |
102-118.350 |
Does establishing a prepayment audit system or program change the responsibilities of the certifying officers? |
102-118.355 |
Does a prepayment audit waiver change any liabilities of the certifying officer? |
102-118.360 |
What relief from liability is available for the certifying official under a postpayment audit? |
102-118.365 |
Do the requirements of a prepayment audit change the disbursing official's liability for overpayment? |
102-118.370 |
Where does relief from prepayment audit liability for certifying, accountable, and disbursing officers reside in my agency? |
102-118.375 |
Who has the authority to grant a waiver of the prepayment audit requirement? |
102-118.380 |
How does my agency apply for a waiver from a prepayment audit of requirement? |
102-118.385 |
What must a waiver request include? |
102-118.390 |
On what basis does GSA grant a waiver to the prepayment audit requirement? |
102-118.395 |
How long will GSA take to respond to a waiver request? |
102-118.400 |
Must my agency renew a waiver of the prepayment audit requirements? |
102-118.405 |
Are my agency's prepayment audited transportation bills subject to periodic postpayment audit oversight from the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.410 |
Can GSA suspend my agency's prepayment audit program? |
102-118.415 |
Will the widespread mandatory use of prepayment audits eliminate postpayment audits? |
102-118.420 |
Can the Administrator of General Services waive the postpayment auditing provisions of this subpart? |
102-118.425 |
Is my agency allowed to perform a postpayment audit on our transportation bills? |
102-118.430 |
What information must be on my agency's transportation bills submitted for a postpayment audit? |
102-118.435 |
What procedures does GSA use to perform a postpayment audit? |
102-118.440 |
What are the postpayment audit responsibilities and roles of the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.445 |
Must my agency pay for a postpayment audit when using the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.450 |
Can a TSP file a transportation claim against my agency? |
102-118.455 |
What is the time limit for a TSP to file a transportation claim against my agency? |
102-118.460 |
What is the time limit for my agency to file a court claim with a TSP for freight charges, reparations, and loss or damage to the property? |
102-118.465 |
Must my agency pay interest on a disputed amount claimed by a TSP? |
102-118.470 |
Are there statutory time limits for a TSP on filing an administrative claim with the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.475 |
Does interest apply after certification of payment of claims? |
102-118.480 |
How does my agency settle disputes with a TSP? |
102-118.485 |
Is there a time limit for my agency to issue a decision on disputed claims? |
102-118.490 |
What if my agency fails to settle a dispute within 30 days? |
102-118.495 |
May my agency appeal a decision by the General Services Board of Contract Appeals (GSBCA)? |
102-118.500 |
How does my agency handle a volunary refund submitted by a TSP? |
102-118.505 |
Must my agency send a voluntary refund to the Treasurer of the United States? |
102-118.510 |
Can my agency revise or alter a GSA Form 7931, Certificate of Settlement? |
102-118.515 |
Does my agency have any recourse not to pay a Certificate of Settlement? |
102-118.520 |
Who is responsible for determining the standards for collection, compromise, termination, or suspension of collection action on any outstanding debts to my agency? |
102-118.525 |
What are my agency's responsibilities for verifying the correct amount of transportation charges? |
102-118.530 |
Will GSA instruct my agency's disbursing offices to offset unpaid TSP billings? |
102-118.535 |
Are there principles governing my agency's TSP debt collection procedures? |
102-118.540 |
Who has the authority to audit, settle accounts, and/or start collection action for all transportation services provided for my agency? |
102-118.545 |
What information must a TSP claim include? |
102-118.550 |
How does a TSP file an administrative claim using EDI or other electronic means? |
102-118.555 |
Can a TSP file a supplemental administrative claim? |
102-118.560 |
What is the required format that a TSP must use to file an administrative claim? |
102-118.565 |
What documentation is required when filing an administrative claim? |
102-118.570 |
If my agency denies the TSP's challenge to the statement of difference, may the TSP appeal? |
102-118.575 |
If a TSP disagrees with the decision of my agency, can the TSP appeal? |
102-118.580 |
May a TSP appeal a prepayment audit decision of the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.585 |
May a TSP appeal a prepayment audit decision of the GSBCA? |
102-118.590 |
May my agency appeal a prepayment audit decision of the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.595 |
May my agency appeal a prepayment audit decision by the GSBCA? |
102-118.600 |
When a TSP disagrees with a Notice of Overcharge resulting from a postpayment audit, what are the appeal procedures? |
102-118.605 |
What if a TSP disagrees with the Notice of Indebtedness? |
102-118.610 |
Is a TSP notified when GSA allows a claim? |
102-118.615 |
Will GSA notify a TSP if they internally offset a payment? |
102-118.620 |
How will a TSP know if the GSA Audit Division disallows a claim? |
102-118.625 |
Can a TSP request a reconsideration of a settlement action by the GSA Audit Division? |
102-118.630 |
How must a TSP refund amounts due to GSA? |
102-118.635 |
Can the Government charge interest on an amount due from a TSP? |
102-118.640 |
If a TSP fails to pay or to appeal an overcharge, what actions will GSA pursue to collect the debt? |
102-118.645 |
Can a TSP file an administrative claim on collection actions? |
102-118.650 |
Can a TSP request a review of a settlement action by the Administrator of General Services? |
102-118.655 |
Are there time limits on a TSP request for an administrative review by the GSBCA? |
102-118.660 |
May a TSP appeal a postpayment audit decision of the GSBCA? |
102-118.665 |
May my agency appeal a postpayment audit decision by the GSBCA? |
102-118.670 |
If a TSP cannot immediately pay a debt, can they make other arrangements for payment? |
102-118.675 |
What recourse does my agency have if a TSP does not pay a transportation debt? |