Title 46--Shipping
91.01-1 |
When required. |
91.01-5 |
Posting. |
91.01-10 |
Period of validity for a Certificate of Inspection. |
91.01-15 |
Temporary certificate. |
91.01-20 |
Expired certificate. |
91.01-25 |
Emergency carriage of more than 16 persons in addition to the crew on vessels not engaged in international voyages. |
91.05-1 |
When issued. |
91.05-5 |
To whom issued. |
91.05-10 |
Conditions of permit. |
91.05-15 |
Posting. |
91.15-1 |
Standards in inspection of hulls, boilers, and machinery. |
91.15-5 |
Alternate compliance. |
91.20-1 |
Prerequisite of certificate of inspection. |
91.20-5 |
When made. |
91.20-10 |
Plans. |
91.20-15 |
Scope of inspection. |
91.20-20 |
Specific tests and inspections. |
91.25-1 |
Prerequisite of reissuance of certificate of inspection. |
91.25-5 |
Application for a Certificate of Inspection. |
91.25-10 |
Scope of inspection. |
91.25-15 |
Lifesaving equipment. |
91.25-20 |
Fire-extinguishing equipment. |
91.25-25 |
Hull equipment. |
91.25-30 |
Electrical engineering equipment. |
91.25-35 |
Marine engineering equipment. |
91.25-37 |
Tanks containing dangerous cargoes. |
91.25-38 |
Pollution prevention. |
91.25-40 |
Sanitary inspection. |
91.25-45 |
Fire hazards. |
91.25-50 |
Inspector not limited. |
91.27-1 |
Annual and periodic inspections. |
91.27-5 |
Certificate of Inspection: Conditions of validity. |
91.27-13 |
Alternative annual inspection for offshore supply vessels less than 400 gross tons in foreign ports. |
91.27-15 |
Inspectors not limited. |
91.30-1 |
General or partial survey. |
91.35-1 |
When made. |
91.40-1 |
Definitions relating to hull examinations. |
91.40-3 |
Drydock examination, internal structural examination, cargo tank internal examination, and underwater survey intervals. |
91.40-5 |
Notice and plans required. |
91.43-1 |
When required. |
91.45-1 |
Notice required. |
91.45-5 |
Inspection required. |
91.50-1 |
Inspection and testing required when making alterations, repairs, or other such operations involving riveting, welding, burning or like fire-producing actions. |
91.55-1 |
General. |
91.55-5 |
Plans and specifications required for new construction. |
91.55-10 |
Plans required for alterations of existing vessels. |
91.55-15 |
Procedure for submittal of plans. |
91.55-20 |
Number of plans required. |
91.60-1 |
Application. |
91.60-5 |
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. |
91.60-10 |
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. |
91.60-15 |
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. |
91.60-25 |
Exemption Certificate. |
91.60-30 |
Safety Management Certificate. |
91.60-35 |
Availability of Certificates. |
91.60-40 |
Duration of Convention certificates. |
91.60-45 |
American Bureau of Shipping. |