Title 47--Telecommunication
73.1 |
Scope. |
73.14 |
AM broadcast definitions. |
73.21 |
Classes of AM broadcast channels and stations. |
73.23 |
AM broadcast station applications affected by international agreements. |
73.24 |
Broadcast facilities; showing required. |
73.25 |
Clear channels; Class A, Class B and Class D stations. |
73.26 |
Regional channels; Class B and Class D stations. |
73.27 |
Local channels; Class C stations. |
73.28 |
Assignment of stations to channels. |
73.29 |
Class C stations on regional channels. |
73.30 |
Petition for authorization of an allotment in the 1605-1705 kHz band. |
73.31 |
Rounding of nominal power specified on applications. |
73.33 |
Antenna systems; showing required. |
73.35 |
Calculation of improvement factors. |
73.37 |
Applications for broadcast facilities, showing required. |
73.44 |
AM transmission system emission limitations. |
73.45 |
AM antenna systems. |
73.49 |
AM transmission system fencing requirements. |
73.51 |
Determining operating power. |
73.53 |
Requirements for authorization of antenna monitors. |
73.54 |
Antenna resistance and reactance measurements. |
73.57 |
Remote reading antenna and common point ammeters. |
73.58 |
Indicating instruments. |
73.61 |
AM directional antenna field strength measurements. |
73.62 |
Directional antenna system operation and tolerances. |
73.68 |
Sampling systems for antenna monitors. |
73.69 |
Antenna monitors. |
73.72 |
Operating during the experimental period. |
73.88 |
Blanketing interference. |
73.99 |
Presunrise service authorization (PSRA) and postsunset service authorization (PSSA). |
73.127 |
Use of multiplex transmission. |
73.128 |
AM stereophonic broadcasting. |
73.132 |
Territorial exclusivity. |
73.150 |
Directional antenna systems. |
73.151 |
Field strength measurements to establish performance of directional antennas. |
73.152 |
Modification of directional antenna data. |
73.153 |
Field strength measurements in support of applications or evidence at hearings. |
73.154 |
AM directional antenna partial proof of performance measurements. |
73.157 |
Antenna testing during daytime. |
73.158 |
Directional antenna monitoring points. |
73.160 |
Vertical plane radiation characteristics, f(&b.thetas;). |
73.182 |
Engineering standards of allocation. |
73.183 |
Groundwave signals. |
73.184 |
Groundwave field strength graphs. |
73.185 |
Computation of interfering signal. |
73.186 |
Establishment of effective field at one kilometer. |
73.187 |
Limitation on daytime radiation. |
73.189 |
Minimum antenna heights or field strength requirements. |
73.190 |
Engineering charts and related formulas. |
73.201 |
Numerical designation of FM broadcast channels. |
73.202 |
Table of Allotments. |
73.203 |
Availability of channels. |
73.204 |
International agreements and other restrictions on use of channels. |
73.205 |
Zones. |
73.207 |
Minimum distance separation between stations. |
73.208 |
Reference points and distance computations. |
73.209 |
Protection from interference. |
73.210 |
Station classes. |
73.211 |
Power and antenna height requirements. |
73.212 |
Administrative changes in authorizations. |
73.213 |
Grandfathered short-spaced stations. |
73.215 |
Contour protection for short-spaced assignments. |
73.220 |
Restrictions on use of channels. |
73.232 |
Territorial exclusivity. |
73.239 |
Use of common antenna site. |
73.258 |
Indicating instruments. |
73.267 |
Determining operating power. |
73.277 |
Permissible transmissions. |
73.293 |
Use of FM multiplex subcarriers. |
73.295 |
FM subsidiary communications services. |
73.297 |
FM stereophonic sound broadcasting. |
73.310 |
FM technical definitions. |
73.311 |
Field strength contours. |
73.312 |
Topographic data. |
73.313 |
Prediction of coverage. |
73.314 |
Field strength measurements. |
73.315 |
FM transmitter location. |
73.316 |
FM antenna systems. |
73.317 |
FM transmission system requirements. |
73.318 |
FM blanketing interference. |
73.319 |
FM multiplex subcarrier technical standards. |
73.322 |
FM stereophonic sound transmission standards. |
73.333 |
Engineering charts. |
73.401 |
Scope. |
73.402 |
Definitions. |
73.403 |
Digital audio broadcasting service requirements. |
73.404 |
Interim hybrid IBOC DAB operation. |
73.501 |
Channels available for assignment. |
73.503 |
Licensing requirements and service. |
73.504 |
Channel assignments in the Mexican border area. |
73.505 |
Zones. |
73.506 |
Classes of noncommercial educational FM stations and channels. |
73.507 |
Minimum distance separations between stations. |
73.508 |
Standards of good engineering practice. |
73.509 |
Prohibited overlap. |
73.510 |
Antenna systems. |
73.511 |
Power and antenna height requirements. |
73.512 |
Special procedures applicable to Class D noncommercial educational stations. |
73.513 |
Noncommercial educational FM stations operating on unreserved channels. |
73.514 |
Protection from interference. |
73.515 |
NCE FM transmitter location. |
73.525 |
TV Channel 6 protection. |
73.558 |
Indicating instruments. |
73.561 |
Operating schedule; time sharing. |
73.567 |
Determining operating power. |
73.593 |
Subsidiary communications services. |
73.597 |
FM stereophonic sound broadcasting. |
73.599 |
NCE-FM engineering charts. |
73.601 |
Scope of subpart. |
73.602 |
Cross reference to rules in other parts. |
73.603 |
Numerical designation of television channels. |
73.606 |
Table of allotments. |
73.607 |
Availability of channels. |
73.609 |
Zones. |
73.610 |
Minimum distance separations between stations. |
73.611 |
Reference points and distance computations. |
73.612 |
Protection from interference. |
73.613 |
Protection of Class A TV stations. |
73.614 |
Power and antenna height requirements. |
73.615 |
Administrative changes in authorizations. |
73.616 |
Post-transition DTV station interference protection. |
73.621 |
Noncommercial educational TV stations. |
73.622 |
Digital television table of allotments. |
73.623 |
DTV applications and changes to DTV allotments. |
73.624 |
Digital television broadcast stations. |
73.625 |
DTV coverage of principal community and antenna system. |
73.635 |
Use of common antenna site. |
73.641 |
Subscription TV definitions. |
73.642 |
Subscription TV service. |
73.643 |
Subscription TV operating requirements. |
73.644 |
Subscription TV transmission systems. |
73.646 |
Telecommunications Service on the Vertical Blanking Interval and in the Visual Signal. |
73.653 |
Operation of TV aural and visual transmitters. |
73.658 |
Affiliation agreements and network program practices; territorial exclusivity in non-network program arrangements. |
73.664 |
Determining operating power. |
73.665 |
Use of TV aural baseband subcarriers. |
73.667 |
TV subsidiary communications services. |
73.669 |
TV stereophonic aural and multiplex subcarrier operation. |
73.670 |
Commercial limits in children's programs. |
73.671 |
Educational and informational programming for children. |
73.673 |
Public information initiatives regarding educational and informational programming for children. |
73.674 |
Digital television transition notices by broadcasters. |
73.681 |
Definitions. |
73.682 |
TV transmission standards. |
73.683 |
Field strength contours and presumptive determination of field strength at individual locations. |
73.684 |
Prediction of coverage. |
73.685 |
Transmitter location and antenna system. |
73.686 |
Field strength measurements. |
73.687 |
Transmission system requirements. |
73.688 |
Indicating instruments. |
73.691 |
Visual modulation monitoring. |
73.698 |
Tables. |
73.699 |
TV engineering charts. |
73.701 |
Definitions. |
73.702 |
Assignment and use of frequencies. |
73.703 |
Geographical zones and areas of reception. |
73.712 |
Equipment tests. |
73.713 |
Program tests. |
73.731 |
Licensing requirements. |
73.732 |
Authorizations. |
73.733 |
Normal license period. |
73.751 |
Operating power. |
73.753 |
Antenna systems. |
73.754 |
Frequency monitors. |
73.755 |
Modulation monitors. |
73.756 |
System specifications for double-sideband (DBS) modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service. |
73.757 |
System specifications for single-sideband (SSB) modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service. |
73.758 |
System specifications for digitally modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service. |
73.759 |
Auxiliary transmitters. |
73.760 |
Alternate main transmitters. |
73.761 |
Modification of transmission systems. |
73.762 |
Time of operation. |
73.765 |
Determining operating power. |
73.781 |
Logs. |
73.782 |
Retention of logs. |
73.787 |
Station identification. |
73.788 |
Service; commercial or sponsored programs. |
73.801 |
Broadcast regulations applicable to LPFM stations. |
73.805 |
Availability of channels. |
73.807 |
Minimum distance separation between stations. |
73.808 |
Distance computations. |
73.809 |
Interference protection to full service FM stations. |
73.810 |
Third adjacent channel complaint and license modification procedure. |
73.811 |
LPFM power and antenna height requirements. |
73.812 |
Rounding of power and antenna heights. |
73.813 |
Determination of antenna height above average terrain (HAAT). |
73.816 |
Antennas. |
73.825 |
Protection to reception of TV channel 6. |
73.827 |
Interference to the input signals of FM translator or FM booster stations. |
73.840 |
Operating power and mode tolerances. |
73.845 |
Transmission system operation. |
73.850 |
Operating schedule. |
73.853 |
Licensing requirements and service. |
73.854 |
Unlicensed operations. |
73.855 |
Ownership limits. |
73.858 |
Attribution of LPFM station interests. |
73.860 |
Cross-ownership. |
73.865 |
Assignment and transfer of LPFM licenses. |
73.870 |
Processing of LPFM broadcast station applications. |
73.871 |
Amendment of LPFM broadcast station applications. |
73.872 |
Selection procedure for mutually exclusive LPFM applications. |
73.873 |
LPFM license period. |
73.875 |
Modification of transmission systems. |
73.877 |
Station logs for LPFM stations. |
73.878 |
Station inspections by FCC; availability to FCC of station logs and records. |
73.879 |
Signal retransmission. |
73.881 |
Equal employment opportunities. |
73.1001 |
Scope. |
73.1010 |
Cross reference to rules in other parts. |
73.1015 |
Truthful written statements and responses to Commission inquiries and correspondence. |
73.1020 |
Station license period. |
73.1030 |
Notifications concerning interference to radio astronomy, research and receiving installations. |
73.1120 |
Station location. |
73.1125 |
Station main studio location. |
73.1150 |
Transferring a station. |
73.1201 |
Station identification. |
73.1202 |
Retention of letters received from the public. |
73.1206 |
Broadcast of telephone conversations. |
73.1207 |
Rebroadcasts. |
73.1208 |
Broadcast of taped, filmed, or recorded material. |
73.1209 |
References to time. |
73.1210 |
TV/FM dual-language broadcasting in Puerto Rico. |
73.1211 |
Broadcast of lottery information. |
73.1212 |
Sponsorship identification; list retention; related requirements. |
73.1213 |
Antenna structure, marking and lighting. |
73.1215 |
Specifications for indicating instruments. |
73.1216 |
Licensee-conducted contests. |
73.1217 |
Broadcast hoaxes. |
73.1225 |
Station inspections by FCC. |
73.1226 |
Availability to FCC of station logs and records. |
73.1230 |
Posting of station license. |
73.1250 |
Broadcasting emergency information. |
73.1300 |
Unattended station operation. |
73.1350 |
Transmission system operation. |
73.1400 |
Transmission system monitoring and control. |
73.1510 |
Experimental authorizations. |
73.1515 |
Special field test authorizations. |
73.1520 |
Operation for tests and maintenance. |
73.1530 |
Portable test stations [Definition]. |
73.1540 |
Carrier frequency measurements. |
73.1545 |
Carrier frequency departure tolerances. |
73.1560 |
Operating power and mode tolerances. |
73.1570 |
Modulation levels: AM, FM, TV and Class A TV aural. |
73.1580 |
Transmission system inspections. |
73.1590 |
Equipment performance measurements. |
73.1610 |
Equipment tests. |
73.1615 |
Operation during modification of facilities. |
73.1620 |
Program tests. |
73.1635 |
Special temporary authorizations (STA). |
73.1650 |
International agreements. |
73.1660 |
Acceptability of broadcast transmitters. |
73.1665 |
Main transmitters. |
73.1670 |
Auxiliary transmitters. |
73.1675 |
Auxiliary antennas. |
73.1680 |
Emergency antennas. |
73.1690 |
Modification of transmission systems. |
73.1692 |
Broadcast station construction near or installation on an AM broadcast tower. |
73.1695 |
Changes in transmission standards. |
73.1700 |
Broadcast day. |
73.1705 |
Time of operation. |
73.1710 |
Unlimited time. |
73.1715 |
Share time. |
73.1720 |
Daytime. |
73.1725 |
Limited time. |
73.1730 |
Specified hours. |
73.1735 |
AM station operation pre-sunrise and post-sunset. |
73.1740 |
Minimum operating schedule. |
73.1745 |
Unauthorized operation. |
73.1750 |
Discontinuance of operation. |
73.1800 |
General requirements related to the station log. |
73.1820 |
Station log. |
73.1835 |
Special technical records. |
73.1840 |
Retention of logs. |
73.1870 |
Chief operators. |
73.1910 |
Fairness Doctrine. |
73.1940 |
Legally qualified candidates for public office. |
73.1941 |
Equal opportunities. |
73.1942 |
Candidate rates. |
73.1943 |
Political file. |
73.1944 |
Reasonable access. |
73.2080 |
Equal employment opportunities (EEO). |
73.2090 |
Ban on discrimination in broadcast transactions. |
73.3500 |
Application and report forms. |
73.3511 |
Applications required. |
73.3512 |
Where to file; number of copies. |
73.3513 |
Signing of applications. |
73.3514 |
Content of applications. |
73.3516 |
Specification of facilities. |
73.3517 |
Contingent applications. |
73.3518 |
Inconsistent or conflicting applications. |
73.3519 |
Repetitious applications. |
73.3520 |
Multiple applications. |
73.3521 |
Mutually exclusive applications for low power television, television translators and television booster stations. |
73.3522 |
Amendment of applications. |
73.3523 |
Dismissal of applications in renewal proceedings. |
73.3525 |
Agreements for removing application conflicts. |
73.3526 |
Local public inspection file of commercial stations. |
73.3527 |
Local public inspection file of noncommercial educational stations. |
73.3533 |
Application for construction permit or modification of construction permit. |
73.3536 |
Application for license to cover construction permit. |
73.3537 |
Application for license to use former main antenna as an auxiliary. |
73.3538 |
Application to make changes in an existing station. |
73.3539 |
Application for renewal of license. |
73.3540 |
Application for voluntary assignment or transfer of control. |
73.3541 |
Application for involuntary assignment of license or transfer of control. |
73.3542 |
Application for emergency authorization. |
73.3543 |
Application for renewal or modification of special service authorization. |
73.3544 |
Application to obtain a modified station license. |
73.3545 |
Application for permit to deliver programs to foreign stations. |
73.3549 |
Requests for extension of time to operate without required monitors, indicating instruments, and EAS encoders and decoders. |
73.3550 |
Requests for new or modified call sign assignments. |
73.3555 |
Multiple ownership. |
73.3556 |
Duplication of programming on commonly owned or time brokered stations. |
73.3561 |
Staff consideration of applications requiring Commission action. |
73.3562 |
Staff consideration of applications not requiring action by the Commission. |
73.3564 |
Acceptance of applications. |
73.3566 |
Defective applications. |
73.3568 |
Dismissal of applications. |
73.3571 |
Processing of AM broadcast station applications. |
73.3572 |
Processing of TV broadcast, Class A TV broadcast, low power TV, TV translators, and TV booster applications. |
73.3573 |
Processing FM broadcast station applications. |
73.3574 |
Processing of international broadcast station applications. |
73.3578 |
Amendments to applications for renewal, assignment or transfer of control. |
73.3580 |
Local public notice of filing of broadcast applications. |
73.3584 |
Procedure for filing petitions to deny. |
73.3587 |
Procedure for filing informal objections. |
73.3588 |
Dismissal of petitions to deny or withdrawal of informal objections. |
73.3589 |
Threats to file petitions to deny or informal objections. |
73.3591 |
Grants without hearing. |
73.3592 |
Conditional grant. |
73.3593 |
Designation for hearing. |
73.3594 |
Local public notice of designation for hearing. |
73.3597 |
Procedures on transfer and assignment applications. |
73.3598 |
Period of construction. |
73.3601 |
Simultaneous modification and renewal of license. |
73.3603 |
Special waiver procedure relative to applications. |
73.3605 |
Retention of applications in hearing status after designation for hearing. |
73.3612 |
Annual employment report. |
73.3613 |
Filing of contracts. |
73.3615 |
Ownership reports. |
73.3617 |
Information available on the Internet. |
73.3999 |
Enforcement of 18 U.S.C. 1464 (restrictions on the transmission of obscene and indecent material). |
73.4000 |
Listing of FCC policies. |
73.4005 |
Advertising--refusal to sell. |
73.4015 |
Applications for AM and FM construction permits, incomplete or defective. |
73.4017 |
Application processing: Commercial FM stations. |
73.4045 |
Barter agreements. |
73.4050 |
Children's TV programs. |
73.4055 |
Cigarette advertising. |
73.4060 |
Citizens agreements. |
73.4075 |
Commercials, loud. |
73.4082 |
Comparative broadcast hearings--specialized programming formats. |
73.4091 |
Direct broadcast satellites. |
73.4094 |
Dolby encoder. |
73.4095 |
Drug lyrics. |
73.4097 |
EBS (now EAS) attention signals on automated programing systems. |
73.4099 |
Financial qualifications, certification of. |
73.4100 |
Financial qualifications; new AM and FM stations. |
73.4101 |
Financial qualifications, TV stations. |
73.4102 |
FAA communications, broadcast of. |
73.4104 |
FM assignment policies and procedures. |
73.4107 |
FM broadcast assignments, increasing availability of. |
73.4108 |
FM transmitter site map submissions. |
73.4110 |
Format changes of stations. |
73.4135 |
Interference to TV reception by FM stations. |
73.4140 |
Minority ownership; tax certificates and distress sales. |
73.4154 |
Network/AM, FM station affiliation agreements. |
73.4157 |
Network signals which adversely affect affiliate broadcast service. |
73.4163 |
Noncommercial nature of educational broadcast stations. |
73.4165 |
Obscene language. |
73.4170 |
Obscene broadcasts. |
73.4180 |
Payment disclosure: Payola, plugola, kickbacks. |
73.4185 |
Political broadcasting and telecasting, the law of. |
73.4190 |
Political candidate authorization notice and sponsorship identification. |
73.4195 |
Political advertising by UHF translators. |
73.4210 |
Procedure Manual: ``The Public and Broadcasting''. |
73.4215 |
Program matter: Supplier identification. |
73.4242 |
Sponsorship identification rules, applicability of. |
73.4246 |
Stereophonic pilot subcarrier use during monophonic programming. |
73.4247 |
STV: Competing applications. |
73.4250 |
Subliminal perception. |
73.4255 |
Tax certificates: Issuance of. |
73.4260 |
Teaser announcements. |
73.4265 |
Telephone conversation broadcasts (network and like sources). |
73.4266 |
Tender offer and proxy statements. |
73.4267 |
Time brokerage. |
73.4275 |
Tone clusters; audio attention-getting devices. |
73.4280 |
Character evaluation of broadcast applicants. |
73.5000 |
Services subject to competitive bidding. |
73.5002 |
Application and certification procedures; return of mutually exclusive applications not subject to competitive bidding procedures; prohibition of collusion. |
73.5003 |
Submission of full payments. |
73.5005 |
Filing of long-form applications. |
73.5006 |
Filing of petitions to deny against long-form applications. |
73.5007 |
Designated entity provisions. |
73.5008 |
Definitions applicable for designated entity provisions. |
73.5009 |
Assignment or transfer of control. |
73.6000 |
Definitions. |
73.6001 |
Eligibility and service requirements. |
73.6002 |
Licensing requirements. |
73.6006 |
Channel assignments. |
73.6007 |
Power limitations. |
73.6008 |
Distance computations. |
73.6010 |
Class A TV station protected contour. |
73.6011 |
Protection of TV broadcast stations. |
73.6012 |
Protection of Class A TV, low power TV and TV translator stations. |
73.6013 |
Protection of DTV stations. |
73.6014 |
Protection of digital Class A TV stations. |
73.6016 |
Digital Class A TV station protection of TV broadcast stations. |
73.6017 |
Digital Class A TV station protection of Class A TV and digital Class A TV stations. |
73.6018 |
Digital Class A TV station protection of DTV stations. |
73.6019 |
Digital Class A TV station protection of low power TV, TV translator, digital low power TV and digital TV translator stations. |
73.6020 |
Protection of stations in the land mobile radio service. |
73.6022 |
Negotiated interference and relocation agreements. |
73.6024 |
Transmission standards and system requirements. |
73.6025 |
Antenna system and station location. |
73.6026 |
Broadcast regulations applicable to Class A television stations. |
73.6027 |
Class A TV notifications concerning interference to radio astronomy, research and receiving installations. |
73.7000 |
Definition of terms (as used in subpart K only). |
73.7001 |
Services subject to evaluation by point system. |
73.7002 |
Fair distribution of service on reserved band FM channels. |
73.7003 |
Point system selection procedures. |
73.7004 |
Petitions to deny tentative selectee(s). |
73.7005 |
Holding period. |
73.8000 |
Incorporation by reference. |
73.9000 |
Definitions. |
73.9001 |
Redistribution control of digital television broadcasts. |
73.9002 |
Sale or distribution of demodulators, covered demodulator products, and peripheral TSP products. |
73.9003 |
Compliance requirements for covered demodulator products: Unscreened content. |
73.9004 |
Compliance requirements for covered demodulator products: Marked content. |
73.9005 |
Compliance requirements for covered demodulator products: Audio. |
73.9006 |
Add-in covered demodulator products. |
73.9007 |
Robustness requirements for covered demodulator products. |
73.9008 |
Interim approval of authorized digital output protection technologies and authorized recording methods. |
73.9009 |
Manufacture for exportation. |