Title 29--Labor
4000.1 |
What are these filing rules about? |
4000.2 |
What definitions do I need to know for these rules? |
4000.3 |
What methods of filing may I use? |
4000.4 |
Where do I file my submission? |
4000.5 |
Does the PBGC have discretion to waive these filing requirements? |
4000.11 |
What are these issuance rules about? |
4000.12 |
What definitions do I need to know for these rules? |
4000.13 |
What methods of issuance may I use? |
4000.14 |
What is the safe-harbor method for providing an issuance by electronic media? |
4000.15 |
Does the PBGC have discretion to waive these issuance requirements? |
4000.21 |
What are these rules for determining the filing or issuance date about? |
4000.22 |
What definitions do I need to know for these rules? |
4000.23 |
When is my submission or issuance treated as filed or issued? |
4000.24 |
What if I mail my submission or issuance using the U.S. Postal Service? |
4000.25 |
What if I use the postal service of a foreign country? |
4000.26 |
What if I use a commercial delivery service? |
4000.27 |
What if I hand deliver my submission or issuance? |
4000.28 |
What if I send a computer disk? |
4000.29 |
What if I use electronic delivery? |
4000.30 |
What if I need to resend my filing or issuance for technical reasons? |
4000.31 |
Is my issuance untimely if I miss a few participants or beneficiaries? |
4000.32 |
Does the PBGC have discretion to waive any requirements under this part? |
4000.41 |
What are these computation-of-time rules about? |
4000.42 |
What definitions do I need to know for these rules? |
4000.43 |
How do I compute a time period? |
4000.51 |
What are these record retention rules about? |
4000.52 |
What definitions do I need to know for these rules? |
4000.53 |
May I use electronic media to satisfy PBGC's record retention requirements? |
4000.54 |
May I dispose of original paper records if I keep electronic copies? |