Title 29--Labor
825.100 |
The Family and Medical Leave Act. |
825.101 |
Purpose of the Act. |
825.102-825.103 |
[Reserved] |
825.104 |
Covered employers. |
825.105 |
Counting employees for determining coverage. |
825.106 |
Joint employer coverage. |
825.107 |
Successor in interest coverage. |
825.108 |
Public agency coverage. |
825.109 |
Federal agency coverage. |
825.110 |
Eligible employee. |
825.111 |
Determining whether 50 employees are employed with 75 miles. |
825.112 |
Qualifying reasons for leave, general rule. |
825.113 |
Serious health condition. |
825.114 |
Inpatient care. |
825.115 |
Continuing treatment. |
825.116-825.118 |
[Reserved] |
825.119 |
Leave for treatment of substance abuse. |
825.120 |
Leave for pregnancy or birth. |
825.121 |
Leave for adoption or foster care. |
825.122 |
Definitions of spouse, parent, son or daugther, next of kin of a covered servicemember, adoption, foster care, son or daughter on active duty or call to active duty status, son or daughter of a covered servicemember, and parent of a covered servicemember. |
825.123 |
Unable to perform the functions of the position. |
825.124 |
Needed to care for a family member or covered servicemember. |
825.125 |
Definition of health care provider. |
825.126 |
Leave because of a qualifying exigency. |
825.127 |
Leave to care for a covered servicemember with serious injury or illness. |
825.200 |
Amount of leave. |
825.201 |
Leave to care for a parent. |
825.202 |
Intermittent leave or reduced leave schedule. |
825.203 |
Scheduling of intermittent or reduced schedule leave. |
825.204 |
Transfer of an employee to an alternative position during intermittent leave or reduced leave schedule. |
825.205 |
Increments of FMLA leave for intermittent or reduced schedule leave. |
825.206 |
Interactions with the FSLA. |
825.207 |
Substitution of paid leave. |
825.208 |
[Reserved] |
825.209 |
Maintenance of employee benefits. |
825.210 |
Employee payment of group health benefits premiums. |
825.211 |
Maintenance of benefits under multi-employer health plans. |
825.212 |
Employee failure to pay health plan premium payments. |
825.213 |
Employer recovery of benefit costs. |
825.214 |
Employee right to reinstatement. |
825.215 |
Equivalent position. |
825.216 |
Limitations on an employee's right to reinstatement. |
825.217 |
Key employee, general rule. |
825.218 |
Substantial and grievous economic injury. |
825.219 |
Rights of a key employee. |
825.220 |
Protection for employees who request leave or otherwise assert FMLA rights. |
825.300 |
Employers notice requirement. |
825.301 |
Designation of FMLA leave. |
825.302 |
Employee notice requirements for foreseeable FMLA leave. |
825.303 |
Employee notice requirements for unforeseeable FMLA leave. |
825.304 |
What recourse do employers have if employees fail to provide the required notice? |
825.305 |
Employee failure to provide notice. |
825.306 |
Content of medical certification for leave taken because of an employee�s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member. |
825.307 |
Authentication and clarification of medical certification for leave taken because of an employee�s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member; second and third opinions. |
825.308 |
Recertifications for leave taken because of an employee�s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member. |
825.309 |
Certification for leave taken because of a qualifying exigency. |
825.310 |
Certification for leave taken to care for a covered servicemember (military caregiver leave). |
825.311 |
Intent to return to work. |
825.312 |
Fitness-for-duty certification. |
825.313 |
Failure to provide certification. |
825.400 |
Enforcement, general rules. |
825.401 |
Filing a complaint with the Federal Government. |
825.402 |
Violations of the posting requirement. |
825.403 |
Appealing the assessment of a penalty for willful violation of the posting requirement. |
825.404 |
Consequences for an employer when not paying the penalty assessment after a final order is issued. |
825.500 |
Recordkeeping requirements. |
825.600 |
Special rules for school employees, definitions. |
825.601 |
Special rules for school employees, limitations on intermittent leave. |
825.602 |
Special rules for school employees, limitations on leave near the end of an academic term. |
825.603 |
Special rules for school employees, duration of FMLA leave. |
825.604 |
Special rules for school employees, restoration to “an equivalent position.” |
825.700 |
Interaction with employer's policies. |
825.701 |
Interaction with State laws. |
825.702 |
Interaction with Federal and State anti-discrimination laws. |
825.800 |
Definitions. |
Appendix |
Appendix A to Part 825--Index [Reserved] |
Appendix |
Appendix B to Part 825--Certification of Health Care Provider (Forms WH-380E & WH-380F) |
Appendix |
Appendix C to Part 825--Notice to Employees Of Rights Under FMLA (WH Publication 1420) |
Appendix |
Appendix D to Part 825--Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities (Form WH-381) |
Appendix |
Appendix E to Part 825--Designation Notice to Employee of FMLA Leave (Form WH-382) |
Appendix |
Appendix F to Part 825--Index [Reserved] |
Appendix |
Appendix G to Part 825--Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave (Form WH-384) |
Appendix |
Appendix H to Part 825--Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Servicemember for Military Family Leave (Form WH-385) |