Title 46--Shipping
Chapter I--Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Continued) PART 164--MATERIALS
164.003-1 |
Applicable specifications. |
164.003-2 |
Grades. |
164.003-3 |
Material and workmanship. |
164.003-4 |
Inspections and tests. |
164.003-5 |
Procedure for approval. |
164.006-1 |
Applicable specifications. |
164.006-2 |
Grades. |
164.006-3 |
Construction, materials, and workmanship. |
164.006-4 |
Inspection and testing. |
164.006-5 |
Procedure for approval. |
164.007-1 |
Applicable specification and referenced material. |
164.007-2 |
Purpose. |
164.007-3 |
Conditions of approval. |
164.007-4 |
Testing procedure. |
164.007-5 |
Test requirements. |
164.007-6 |
Test report. |
164.007-7 |
Analysis of results. |
164.007-8 |
Retests. |
164.007-9 |
Procedure for approval. |
164.008-1 |
Applicable specification and reference material. |
164.008-2 |
Conditions of approval. |
164.008-3 |
Testing procedure. |
164.008-4 |
Test requirements. |
164.008-5 |
Test report. |
164.008-6 |
Retests. |
164.008-7 |
Procedure for approval. |
164.009-1 |
General. |
164.009-3 |
Noncombustible materials not requiring specific approval. |
164.009-7 |
Contents of application. |
164.009-9 |
Procedure for approval. |
164.009-11 |
Furnace apparatus. |
164.009-13 |
Furnace calibration. |
164.009-15 |
Test procedure. |
164.009-17 |
Density measurement. |
164.009-19 |
Measurement of moisture and volatile matter content. |
164.009-21 |
Laboratory report. |
164.009-23 |
Factory inspection. |
164.009-25 |
Marking. |
164.012-1 |
Applicable specifications. |
164.012-5 |
Scope. |
164.012-10 |
Requirements. |
164.012-11 |
Marking. |
164.012-12 |
Recognized laboratory. |
164.012-13 |
Examinations, tests, and inspections. |
164.012-14 |
Procedure for listing and labeling. |
164.012-15 |
Termination of listing and labeling. |
164.013-1 |
Scope. |
164.013-2 |
Incorporation by reference. |
164.013-3 |
Material properties and workmanship. |
164.013-4 |
Samples submitted for acceptance. |
164.013-5 |
Acceptance tests. |
164.013-6 |
Production tests, inspections, and marking. |
164.013-7 |
Marking. |
164.015-1 |
Applicable specifications and standards. |
164.015-2 |
Types. |
164.015-3 |
Material and workmanship. |
164.015-4 |
Inspections and tests. |
164.015-5 |
Procedure for acceptance. |
164.018-1 |
Scope. |
164.018-3 |
Classification. |
164.018-5 |
Specifications and standards incorporated by reference. |
164.018-7 |
Approval procedures. |
164.018-9 |
Design requirements. |
164.018-11 |
Approval tests. |
164.018-13 |
Production inspections. |
164.019-1 |
Scope. |
164.019-3 |
Definitions. |
164.019-4 |
Component requirements. |
164.019-5 |
Standard components; acceptance criteria and procedures. |
164.019-7 |
Non-standard components; acceptance criteria and procedures. |
164.019-9 |
Procedure for acceptance of revisions of design, process, or materials. |
164.019-11 |
Certification (affidavits). |
164.019-13 |
Production quality control requirements. |
164.019-15 |
Component manufacturer records. |
164.019-17 |
Recognized laboratory. |
164.023-1 |
Scope. |
164.023-3 |
Specifications and standards incorporated by reference. |
164.023-5 |
Performance; standard thread. |
164.023-7 |
Performance; non-standard thread. |
164.023-9 |
Samples submitted for acceptance. |
164.023-11 |
Acceptance tests. |
164.023-13 |
Production tests and inspections. |
164.023-15 |
Marking. |