Title 40--Protection of Environment
22.1 |
Scope of this part. |
22.2 |
Use of number and gender. |
22.3 |
Definitions. |
22.4 |
Powers and duties of the Environmental Appeals Board, Regional Judicial Officer and Presiding Officer; disqualification, withdrawal, and reassignment. |
22.5 |
Filing, service, and form of all filed documents; business confidentiality claims. |
22.6 |
Filing and service of rulings, orders and decisions. |
22.7 |
Computation and extension of time. |
22.8 |
Ex parte discussion of proceeding. |
22.9 |
Examination of documents filed. |
22.10 |
Appearances. |
22.11 |
Intervention and non-party briefs. |
22.12 |
Consolidation and severance. |
22.13 |
Commencement of a proceeding. |
22.14 |
Complaint. |
22.15 |
Answer to the complaint. |
22.16 |
Motions. |
22.17 |
Default. |
22.18 |
Quick resolution; settlement; alternative dispute resolution. |
22.19 |
Prehearing information exchange; prehearing conference; other discovery. |
22.20 |
Accelerated decision; decision to dismiss. |
22.21 |
Assignment of Presiding Officer; scheduling the hearing. |
22.22 |
Evidence. |
22.23 |
Objections and offers of proof. |
22.24 |
Burden of presentation; burden of persuasion; preponderance of the evidence standard. |
22.25 |
Filing the transcript. |
22.26 |
Proposed findings, conclusions, and order. |
22.27 |
Initial Decision. |
22.28 |
Motion to reopen a hearing. |
22.29 |
Appeal from or review of interlocutory orders or rulings. |
22.30 |
Appeal from or review of initial decision. |
22.31 |
Final order. |
22.32 |
Motion to reconsider a final order. |
22.34 |
Supplemental rules governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties under the Clean Air Act. |
22.35 |
Supplemental rules governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. |
22.37 |
Supplemental rules governing administrative proceedings under the Solid Waste Disposal Act. |
22.38 |
Supplemental rules of practice governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties under the Clean Water Act. |
22.39 |
Supplemental rules governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties under section 109 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended. |
22.41 |
Supplemental rules governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties under Title II of the Toxic Substance Control Act, enacted as section 2 of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). |
22.42 |
Supplemental rules governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties for violations of compliance orders issued to owners or operators of public water systems under part B of the Safe Drinking Water Act. |
22.43 |
Supplemental rules governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties against a federal agency under the Safe Drinking Water Act. |
22.44 |
Supplemental rules of practice governing the termination of permits under section 402(a) of the Clean Water Act or under section 3008(a)(3) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. |
22.45 |
Supplemental rules governing public notice and comment in proceedings under sections 309(g) and 311(b)(6)(B)(ii) of the Clean Water Act and section 1423(c) of the Safe Drinking Water Act. |
22.50 |
Scope of this subpart. |
22.51 |
Presiding Officer. |
22.52 |
Information exchange and discovery. |