Title 45--Public Welfare
2553.11 |
What is the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program? |
2553.12 |
Definitions. |
2553.21 |
Who is eligible to serve as a sponsor? |
2553.22 |
What are the responsibilities of a sponsor? |
2553.23 |
What are a sponsor's program responsibilities? |
2553.24 |
What are a sponsor's responsibilities for securing community participation? |
2553.25 |
What are a sponsor's administrative responsibilities? |
2553.26 |
May a sponsor administer more than one program grant from the Corporation? |
2553.31 |
What are the rules on suspension, termination and denial of refunding of grants? |
2553.41 |
Who is eligible to be a RSVP volunteer? |
2553.42 |
Is a RSVP volunteer a federal employee, an employee of the sponsor or of the volunteer station? |
2553.43 |
What cost reimbursements are provided to RSVP volunteers? |
2553.44 |
May cost reimbursements received by a RSVP volunteer be subject to any tax or charge, treated as wages or compensation, or affect eligibility to receive assistance from other programs? |
2553.51 |
What are the terms of service of a RSVP volunteer? |
2553.52 |
Under what circumstances may a RSVP volunteer's service be terminated? |
2553.61 |
When may a sponsor serve as a volunteer station? |
2553.62 |
What are the responsibilities of a volunteer station? |
2553.71 |
What is the process for application and award of a grant? |
2553.72 |
What are project funding requirements? |
2553.73 |
What are grants management requirements? |
2553.81 |
Under what conditions may an agency or organization sponsor a RSVP project without Corporation funding? |
2553.82 |
What benefits are a non-Corporation funded project entitled to? |
2553.83 |
What financial obligation does the Corporation incur for non-Corporation funded projects? |
2553.84 |
What happens if a non-Corporation funded sponsor does not comply with the Memorandum of Agreement? |
2553.91 |
What legal limitations apply to the operation of the RSVP Program and to the expenditure of grant funds? |
2553.92 |
What legal coverage does the Corporation make available to RSVP volunteers? |