Title 46--Shipping
401.100 |
Purpose. |
401.105 |
OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act. |
401.110 |
Definitions. |
401.120 |
Federal reservation of pilotage regulations. |
401.200 |
Application for registration. |
401.210 |
Requirements and qualifications for registration. |
401.211 |
Requirements for training of Applicant Pilots. |
401.220 |
Registration of pilots. |
401.230 |
Certificates of Registration. |
401.240 |
Renewal of Certificates of Registration. |
401.250 |
Suspension and revocation of Certificates of Registration. |
401.260 |
Reports. |
401.300 |
Authorization for establishment of pools. |
401.310 |
Application for establishment of pools. |
401.320 |
Requirements and qualifications for authorization to establish pools. |
401.330 |
Certificates of Authorization. |
401.335 |
Suspension or revocation of a Certificate of Authorization. |
401.340 |
Compliance with working rules of pools. |
401.400 |
Calculation of pilotage units and determination of weighting factor. |
401.405 |
Basic rates and charges on the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. |
401.407 |
Basic rates and charges on Lake Erie and the navigable waters from Southeast Shoal to Port Huron, MI. |
401.410 |
Basic rates and charges on Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior and the St. Mary's River. |
401.420 |
Cancellation, delay or interruption in rendition of services. |
401.425 |
Provision for additional pilot. |
401.427 |
Charge on past due accounts. |
401.428 |
Basic rates and charges for carrying a U.S. pilot beyond normal change point or for boarding at other than the normal boarding point. |
401.430 |
Prohibited charges. |
401.431 |
Disputed charges. |
401.432 |
Certification of support services. |
401.440 |
Advance payment of charges. |
401.450 |
Pilot change points. |
401.451 |
Pilot rest periods. |
401.500 |
Penalties for violations. |
401.510 |
Operation without Registered Pilots. |
401.600 |
Right to hearing. |
401.605 |
Notice. |
401.610 |
Hearing. |
401.615 |
Representation. |
401.620 |
Burden of proof. |
401.630 |
Appearance, testimony, and cross-examination. |
401.635 |
Evidence which shall be excluded. |
401.640 |
Record for decision. |
401.645 |
Administrative Law Judge's decision; exceptions thereto. |
401.650 |
Review of Administrative Law Judge's initial decision. |
401.700 |
Operating requirements for U.S. registered pilots. |
401.710 |
Operating requirements for holders of Certificates of Authorization. |
401.720 |
Authority of the Director over operations. |