Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury
515.101 |
Relation of this part to other laws and regulations. |
515.201 |
Transactions involving designated foreign countries or their nationals; effective date. |
515.202 |
Transactions with respect to securities registered or inscribed in the name of a designated national. |
515.203 |
Effect of transfers violating the provisions of this part. |
515.204 |
Importation of and dealings in certain merchandise. |
515.205 |
Holding of certain types of blocked property in interest-bearing accounts. |
515.206 |
Exempt transactions. |
515.207 |
Entry of vessels engaged in trade with Cuba. |
515.208 |
Restrictions on loans, credits and other financing. |
515.301 |
Foreign country. |
515.302 |
National. |
515.303 |
Nationals of more than one foreign country. |
515.305 |
Designated national. |
515.306 |
Specially designated national. |
515.307 |
Unblocked national. |
515.308 |
Person. |
515.309 |
Transactions. |
515.310 |
Transfer. |
515.311 |
Property; property interests. |
515.312 |
Interest. |
515.313 |
Property subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. |
515.314 |
Banking institution. |
515.316 |
License. |
515.317 |
General license. |
515.318 |
Specific license. |
515.319 |
Blocked account. |
515.320 |
Domestic bank. |
515.321 |
United States; continental United States. |
515.322 |
Authorized trade territory; member of the authorized trade territory. |
515.323 |
Occupied area. |
515.325 |
National securities exchange. |
515.326 |
Custody of safe deposit boxes. |
515.327 |
Blocked estate of a decedent. |
515.329 |
Person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. |
515.330 |
Person within the United States. |
515.331 |
Merchandise. |
515.332 |
Information and informational materials. |
515.333 |
Depository institution. |
515.334 |
United States national. |
515.335 |
Permanent resident alien. |
515.336 |
Confiscated. |
515.401 |
Reference to amended sections. |
515.402 |
Effect of amendment of sections of this part or of other orders, etc. |
515.403 |
Termination and acquisition of the interest of a designated national. |
515.404 |
Transactions between principal and agent. |
515.405 |
Exportation of securities, currency, checks, drafts and promissory notes. |
515.406 |
Drafts under irrevocable letters of credit; documentary drafts. |
515.407 |
Administration of blocked estates of decedents. |
515.408 |
Access to certain safe deposit boxes prohibited. |
515.409 |
Certain payments to a designated foreign country and nationals through third countries. |
515.410 |
Dealing abroad in Cuban origin commodities. |
515.411 |
Exclusion from authorization in 515.518. |
515.415 |
Travel to Cuba; transportation of certain Cuban nationals. |
515.418 |
Transactions related to telecommunications. |
515.420 |
Travel to Cuba. |
515.501 |
General and specific licensing procedures. |
515.502 |
Effect of subsequent license or authorization. |
515.503 |
Exclusion from licenses and authorizations. |
515.504 |
Certain judicial proceedings with respect to property of designated nationals. |
515.505 |
Certain Cuban nationals unblocked; transactions of Cuban nationals paroled into the United States. |
515.508 |
Payments to blocked accounts in domestic banks. |
515.509 |
Entries in certain accounts for normal service charges. |
515.510 |
Payments to the United States, States and political subdivisions. |
515.511 |
Transactions by certain business enterprises. |
515.512 |
Provision of certain legal services authorized. |
515.513 |
Purchase and sale of certain securities. |
515.514 |
Payment of dividends and interest on and redemption and collection of securities. |
515.515 |
Transfers of securities to blocked accounts in domestic banks. |
515.516 |
Voting and soliciting of proxies on securities. |
515.517 |
Access to safe deposit boxes under certain conditions. |
515.519 |
Limited payments from accounts of United States citizens abroad. |
515.520 |
Payments from accounts of United States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries and certain other persons. |
515.521 |
U.S. assets of certain Cuban corporations. |
515.522 |
U.S. assets of certain Cuban decedents. |
515.523 |
Transactions incident to the administration of decedents' estates. |
515.524 |
Payment from, and transactions in the administration of certain trusts and estates. |
515.525 |
Certain transfers by operation of law. |
515.526 |
Transactions involving blocked life insurance policies. |
515.527 |
Certain transactions with respect to United States intellectual property. |
515.528 |
Certain transactions with respect to blocked foreign intellectual property. |
515.529 |
Powers of attorney. |
515.530 |
Exportation of powers of attorney or instructions relating to certain types of transactions. |
515.531 |
Payment of certain checks and drafts. |
515.532 |
Completion of certain securities transactions. |
515.533 |
Transactions incident to exportations from the United States and reexportations of U.S.-origin items to Cuba; negotiation of executory contracts. |
515.535 |
Exchange of certain securities. |
515.536 |
Certain transactions with respect to merchandise affected by 515.204. |
515.542 |
Telecommunications, information, and informational materials. |
515.543 |
Proof of origin. |
515.544 |
Gifts of Cuban origin goods. |
515.545 |
Transactions related to information and informational materials. |
515.546 |
Accounts of Cuban sole proprietorships. |
515.547 |
Research samples. |
515.548 |
Services rendered by Cuba to United States aircraft. |
515.549 |
Bank accounts and other property of non-Cuban citizens who were in Cuba on or after July 8, 1963. |
515.550 |
Certain vessel transactions authorized. |
515.551 |
Joint bank accounts. |
515.552 |
Proceeds of insurance policies. |
515.553 |
Bank accounts of official representatives in Cuba of foreign governments. |
515.554 |
Transfers of abandoned property under State laws. |
515.555 |
Assets of Cuban firms wholly or substantially owned by U.S. citizens. |
515.557 |
Accounts of Cuban partnerships. |
515.558 |
Bunkering of Cuban vessels and fueling of Cuban aircraft by American-owned or controlled foreign firms. |
515.559 |
Certain transactions by U.S.-owned or controlled foreign firms with Cuba. |
515.560 |
Travel-related transactions to, from, and within Cuba by persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction. |
515.561 |
Persons visiting members of their immediate family in Cuba. |
515.562 |
Officials of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations traveling to, from, and within Cuba on official business. |
515.563 |
Journalistic activities in Cuba. |
515.564 |
Professional research and professional meetings in Cuba. |
515.565 |
Educational activities. |
515.566 |
Religious activities in Cuba. |
515.567 |
Public performances, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions. |
515.569 |
Foreign passengers' baggage. |
515.570 |
Remittances to nationals of Cuba. |
515.571 |
Certain transactions incident to travel to, from, and within the United States by Cuban nationals. |
515.572 |
Authorization of transactions incident to the provision of travel services, carrier services, and remittance forwarding services. |
515.573 |
Transactions by news organizations. |
515.574 |
Support for the Cuban People. |
515.575 |
Humanitarian projects. |
515.576 |
Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes. |
515.577 |
Authorized transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to publishing. |
515.601 |
Records and reports. |
515.701 |
Penalties. |
515.801 |
Procedures. |
515.802 |
Delegation by the Secretary of the Treasury. |
515.803 |
Customs procedures; merchandise specified in 515.204. |
515.901 |
Paperwork Reduction Act notice. |