Title 34--Education
611.1 |
What definitions apply to the Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program? |
611.2 |
What management plan must be included in a Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program application? |
611.3 |
What procedures does the Secretary use to award a grant? |
611.11 |
What are the program's general selection criteria? |
611.12 |
What additional selection criteria are used for an application proposing teacher recruitment activities? |
611.13 |
What competitive preference does the Secretary provide? |
611.21 |
What are the program's selection criteria for pre-applications? |
611.22 |
What additional selection criteria are used for a pre-application that proposes teacher recruitment activities? |
611.23 |
What are the program's general selection criteria for full applications? |
611.24 |
What additional selection criteria are used for a full application that proposes teacher recruitment activities? |
611.25 |
What competitive preference does the Secretary provide? |
611.31 |
What are the program's selection criteria for pre-applications? |
611.32 |
What are the program's general selection criteria? |
611.41 |
Under what circumstances may an individual receive a scholarship of program funds to attend a teacher training program? |
611.42 |
How does the Secretary calculate the period of the scholarship recipient's service obligation? |
611.43 |
What are the consequences of a scholarship recipient's failure to meet the service obligation? |
611.44 |
Under what circumstances may the Secretary defer a scholarship recipient's service obligation? |
611.45 |
Under what circumstances does the Secretary discharge a scholarship recipient's obligation to repay for failure to meet the service obligation? |
611.46 |
What are a scholarship recipient's reporting responsibilities upon graduation from the teacher preparation program? |
611.47 |
What are a scholarship recipient's reporting responsibilities upon the close of the LEA's academic year? |
611.48 |
What are a scholarship recipient's reporting responsibilities upon failure to graduate or withdrawal of scholarship support? |
611.49 |
What are a grantee's responsibilities for implementing the scholarship requirements before awarding a scholarship? |
611.50 |
What are a grantee's reporting responsibilities? |
611.51 |
How does a grantee ensure that a scholarship recipient understands the terms and conditions of the scholarship before the recipient leaves the teacher preparation program? |
611.52 |
What are a grantee's programmatic responsibilities for ensuring that scholarship recipients become successful teachers in high-need schools? |
611.61 |
What is the maximum indirect cost rate that applies to a recipient's use of program funds? |
611.62 |
What are a grantee's matching requirements? |