Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System
15.000 |
Scope of part. |
15.001 |
Definitions. |
15.002 |
Types of negotiated acquisition. |
15.100 |
Scope of subpart. |
15.101 |
Best value continuum. |
15.101-1 |
Tradeoff process. |
15.101-2 |
Lowest price technically acceptable source selection process. |
15.102 |
Oral presentations. |
15.200 |
Scope of subpart. |
15.201 |
Exchanges with industry before receipt of proposals. |
15.202 |
Advisory multi-step process. |
15.203 |
Requests for proposals. |
15.204 |
Contract format. |
15.204-1 |
Uniform contract format. |
15.204-2 |
Part I--The Schedule. |
15.204-3 |
Part II--Contract Clauses. |
15.204-4 |
Part III--List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments. |
15.204-5 |
Part IV--Representations and Instructions. |
15.205 |
Issuing solicitations. |
15.206 |
Amending the solicitation. |
15.207 |
Handling proposals and information. |
15.208 |
Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals. |
15.209 |
Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. |
15.210 |
Forms. |
15.300 |
Scope of subpart. |
15.302 |
Source selection objective. |
15.303 |
Responsibilities. |
15.304 |
Evaluation factors and significant subfactors. |
15.305 |
Proposal evaluation. |
15.306 |
Exchanges with offerors after receipt of proposals. |
15.307 |
Proposal revisions. |
15.308 |
Source selection decision. |
15.400 |
Scope of subpart. |
15.401 |
Definitions. |
15.402 |
Pricing policy. |
15.403 |
Obtaining cost or pricing data. |
15.403-1 |
Prohibition on obtaining cost or pricing data (10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C. 254b). |
15.403-2 |
Other circumstances where cost or pricing data are not required. |
15.403-3 |
Requiring information other than cost or pricing data. |
15.403-4 |
Requiring cost or pricing data (10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C. 254b). |
15.403-5 |
Instructions for submission of cost or pricing data or information other than cost or pricing data. |
15.404 |
Proposal analysis. |
15.404-1 |
Proposal analysis techniques. |
15.404-2 |
Information to support proposal analysis. |
15.404-3 |
Subcontract pricing considerations. |
15.404-4 |
Profit. |
15.405 |
Price negotiation. |
15.406 |
Documentation. |
15.406-1 |
Prenegotiation objectives. |
15.406-2 |
Certificate of current cost or pricing data. |
15.406-3 |
Documenting the negotiation. |
15.407 |
Special cost or pricing areas. |
15.407-1 |
Defective cost or pricing data. |
15.407-2 |
Make-or-buy programs. |
15.407-3 |
Forward pricing rate agreements. |
15.407-4 |
Should-cost review. |
15.407-5 |
Estimating systems. |
15.408 |
Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. |
15.501 |
Definition. |
15.502 |
Applicability. |
15.503 |
Notifications to unsuccessful offerors. |
15.504 |
Award to successful offeror. |
15.505 |
Preaward debriefing of offerors. |
15.506 |
Postaward debriefing of offerors. |
15.507 |
Protests against award. |
15.508 |
Discovery of mistakes. |
15.509 |
Forms. |
15.600 |
Scope of subpart. |
15.601 |
Definitions. |
15.602 |
Policy. |
15.603 |
General. |
15.604 |
Agency points of contact. |
15.605 |
Content of unsolicited proposals. |
15.606 |
Agency procedures. |
15.606-1 |
Receipt and initial review. |
15.606-2 |
Evaluation. |
15.607 |
Criteria for acceptance and negotiation of an unsolicited proposal. |
15.608 |
Prohibitions. |
15.609 |
Limited use of data. |