Inspection and Supervision

时间: 2020-10-21

With a view to strengthening the administration on inspection of import and export toys and guaranteeing the quality of import and export toys, the system of ‎quality permitting for export toys was implemented in 1992.The first batch are: electric toys, mechanical toys and plastic toys etc.
AQSIQ has published Measures for Administering the Inspection and Supervision of Import and Export Toys in 2009, and the Measures came into force on September 15, 2009. According to the Measures, any person who sells uninspected imported toys or imported toys without application for import verification will be subject to fine from 5% to 20% of the goods' value and confiscation of the illegal revenue by the inspection and quarantine authority. Any person who sells imported toys or exports toys which have been inspected to be defective will be mandated to stop, and subject to fine from equivalent amount up to triple of the goods' value by the inspection and quarantine authority. The illegal income and the products will be confiscated.
Furthermore, manufacturers, dealers or branders of import or export toys who conduct any of the following activities will be given warnings by the inspection and quarantine authority or subject to fines up to RMB 30,000:
disguise the quality and safety accident caused by the export toys which led to severe consequence in the importing country or area;
nondisclosure of the toy defects which should have reported to the inspection and quarantine authority;
refuse to  recall the defective toys which should have been  recalled.
For more information please contact 86-755-83997910 or email to