
时间: 2020-10-21

The annex A.B to GB 6675-2003 specifies the categories of flammable materials which are prohibited in all toys and the requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are submitted to a small source of ignition. The requirements were adopting ISO 8124-2:1994 (IDT). Because of the newest edition of ISO 8124-2 was published in 2007, it is important to oat attention to that the differences between the two editions.
GB 6675-2003 can be applied to:
Beards, moustaches, wigs, masks and other products worn on the head with piles, hair or other attached material;
Disguise costumes (e.g. cowboy outfits, nurses uniforms) including the associated headgear, and toys intended to be worn by a child;
Toys intended to be entered by a child (e.g. toy tents, puppet theatres, wigwams);
Filled soft toys with a pile surface or textile surface but excluding soft-bodied dolls with heads and limbs made entirely from non-textile polymeric material.
1)      General requirements concerning prohibited materials
The following materials shall not be used in the manufacture of toys:
Celluloid (cellulose nitrate )and materials with the behaviour of celluloid in fire (except when used in varnish or paint);
Materials with a pile surface that produces surface flash on the approach of a flame.
In addition, toys shall not contain flammable gases, extremely flammable liquids, highly flammable liquids, flammable liquids and flammable solids, except as specified below:
Flammable liquids in the form of individual sealed containers having a maximum volume of 15 ml per container;
Highly flammable liquids and flammable liquids being entirely retained within a porous material in capillary channels of writing instruments;
Flammable liquids with a kinematic viscosity greater than 260*10-6m2/s corresponding to a flow time of more than 38 s when determined in according with ISO 2431 using cup No.6;
Highly flammable liquids in products specified in EN 71-5.
2)      As to the product such beards, moustaches, wigs, masks and other products worn on the head with hair or other attached materials; disguise costumes; toys intended to be entered by a child; filled soft toys , GB 6675-2003 gives the requirements separately.
For more information please contact 86-755-83997910 or email to wrr@sist.gov.cn