委员会实施条例(EU) 2021/745,就延长活性物质硫酸铝铵、硅酸铝、苄氟虫胺、苯噻虫威、联苯苄酯、啶酰菌胺、碳酸钙、克菌丹、二氧化碳、cymoxanil、敌吗啉、乙烯利、茶树提取物、法莫沙酮、脂肪蒸馏残留物、脂肪酸 C7 至 C20、氟胺恶嗪、氟嘧菌酯、氟氯酮、氟哌啶醇、甲酸、赤霉素、赤霉素、七甲木葡聚糖、水解蛋白、硫酸铁、吡草胺、赛克津、米尔贝菌素、淡紫色拟青霉、甲基磷、甲基磷、甲基磷、二甲基磷 /油菜籽油、碳酸氢钾、霜霉威、丙硫菌唑、石英砂、鱼油、动物或植物来源的气味驱虫剂/绵羊脂肪、S-异丙甲

时间: 2021-05-20



OJ L 160, 7.5.2021, p. 89–93 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/745 of 6 May 2021 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval periods of the active substances aluminium ammonium sulphate, aluminium silicate, beflubutamid, benthiavalicarb, bifenazate, boscalid, calcium carbonate, captan, carbon dioxide, cymoxanil, dimethomorph, ethephon, extract from tea tree, famoxadone, fat distilation residues, fatty acids C7 to C20, flumioxazine, fluoxastrobin, flurochloridone, folpet, formetanate, gibberellic acid, gibberellins, heptamaloxyloglucan, hydrolysed proteins, iron sulphate, metazachlor, metribuzin, milbemectin, Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251, phenmedipham, phosmet, pirimiphos-methyl, plant oils/rape seed oil, potassium hydrogen carbonate, propamocarb, prothioconazole, quartz sand, fish oil, repellents by smell of animal or plant origin/ sheep fat, S-metolachlor, Straight Chain Lepidopteran Pheromones, tebuconazole and urea (Text with EEA relevance)

(EU) 2021/745