
时间: 2020-11-25



OJ L 362, 30.10.2020, p. 25–26 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Council Decision (EU) 2020/1584 of 26 October 2020 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization as regards the adoption of Amendment 46 to Annex 6, Part I, and Amendment 39 to Annex 6, Part II, to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, related to deferral of the future equipage requirement for 25-hour cockpit voice recorder to avoid unintended consequences due to the COVID-19 pandemic

(EU) 2020/1584