理事会决定(EU) 2020/243,关于各缔约方修订保护野生动物移栖物种公约附录的提案以及撤回对该公约的保留建议,以欧盟的名义在该公约缔约方大会第十三届会议所采取的立场

时间: 2020-03-20



OJ L 53, 25.2.2020, p. 1–3



Council Decision (EU) 2020/243 of 13 February 2020 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals as regards proposals from various parties to amend the Appendices to that Convention, and on the withdrawal of a reservation notified to that Convention

(EU) 2020/243