理事会决定(EU) 2019/1941,就通过仲裁员名单,以欧盟的名义在EPA委员会(依据欧洲共同体及其成员国与中非缔约方之间的《经济伙伴关系协定》临时设立的)所采取的立场

时间: 2019-11-27


OJ L 303, 25.11.2019, p. 26–28


Council Decision (EU) 2019/1941 of 18 November 2019 establishing the position to be taken, on behalf of the European Union, in the EPA Committee set up by the Interim Agreement with a view to an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Central Africa Party, of the other part, in connection with the adoption of the list of arbitrators

(EU) 2019/1941